Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Minutes for Meeting 4/3/07

-Peace Week Clothing Drive 12:30 PM - 2 PM in Shane Lounge by the post office in Parrish Mon-Fri April 2-6. The remaining days people have signed up for are:

Wednesday: Smitha
Thursday: Phillip and Eric
Friday: Rosario and Lin

Even if you can't help man the clothing drive table, please donate any clothes that you aren't using! They will be given to a church in Sierra Leone (so please don't donate any heavy coats). Drop off any donations this week between 12:30 PM and 2 PM in Shane Lounge in Parrish

-Hunger Walk Saturday 4/14
We will meet at 7:25 AM at the Swarthmore Train Station and take the 7:31 AM train to Philadelphia. We need to meet the other Rotaract Clubs we are walking with at the Rodin Museum at about 8 AM. If you are walking, please help us fundraise! United with other local Rotaract Clubs, we are raising funds for the Philadelphia Coalition for the Aging's Emergency Fund, which provides grants for food to low-income older Philadelphians. Tell your friends and family (or donate yourselves!) to visit the website: http://www.active.com/donate/hungerwalk2007/ajoyce4
At the scroll down menu of team members, select Ashley Joyce, then in the screen that pops up choose how much to donate by credit/debit card. When filling out the donation form, it will ask you if you want to specify a certain charity. Select yes and type "Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging Emergency Fund" in the space provided. Anyone who donates $25 or more will be eligible to enter a raffle to win great prizes on the day of the race!

-Coming up soon: Decorating a Window in the Ville for the Fun Fair --- think of how we can decorate a window with an "Adventurers" theme. Also, ask those you know in other clubs if they also want to decorate a window (and if they want to have a booth in the fair - a great fundraising opportunity!)

-The Fun Fair itself is in the Ville Sunday, 4/22, from 11:15 to 6 PM. We need to meet at the intersection of Park and Dartmouth at 11:15 AM to march in a short parade, then we will sell pretzels and help Rotary with their BBQ pork sandwiches booth (vegetarians can just sell pretzels for Rotaract). Part of the money from the pretzels will go to Heifer International! (the rest will go into the Rotaract Bank account for us to use next year)

-We've been asking people interested in leadership positions next year to come forward on the blog, in e-mails, at meetings, and at events for some time now. Since we don't think there are more people interested in officer positions than there are officer positions available, the positions are pretty much first-come, first served! Phillip Rhinehart and Rosario Paz have expressed interest in being next years co-presidents, so what we really need now is a treasurer. This is a very important job that is just about as important as co-president. The treasurer should be able to come to just about every meeting and most service projects. (Since it's such an important position, you and the co-presidents would decide when meetings and service projects are to fit with your schedule). More importantly, you would do official dealings with SBC for budgeting, and would be the one who signs checks for our bank account. We need to have a treasurer before the end of this school year so we can transfer the bank account rights from Jayne (our current treasurer) to the new one. So interested, dedicated, and responsible people should contact pfont1 or lgyi1 asap!
The positions of secretary (which, if the secretary comes to every meeting, can be the person who updates the blog, making the co-president's job less crazy), director of international service, director of club service, and possibly more positions are still available! Just ask!

-If we don't have a picture of you or a little biographical blurb about where you are from and what you are doing here at Swat. (To send to our twin club in Mongolia) yet, please send lgyi1 one asap!

-See you next week! Tuesday 7:30 PM in Parrish Parlors!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.