Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Notes for Rotaract meeting 2/20/07


-We're doing maintenance of the Bluebird Trail at the Schuylkill Environmental Center this Saturday, Feb. 24. We are meeting Saturday morning at 10:30 AM at the train station and will be back by about 4 PM. The people who I have signed for this are Lin, me, Smitha (maybe), Phillip, Rosario, Bettina, and Dan (Lin's friend from GWU)...if anyone else wants to go to this please e-mail pfont1 now! Also, if you are signed up and can't go please e-mail pfont1 now.

-Please write short autobiographical blurbs and e-mail them to lgyi1 asap to be included in our photo album that we are sending to our Twin Club in Mongolia.

-Lin, Phillip, and I are meeting with Karen Lorang of SBC this Friday (2/23) at Kohlberg Coffee Bar at 4 PM. Anyone who wants can come, especially freshman who want to be officers in the future and upperclassmen who have dealt with SBC charters or budgeting in the past!

-For the Philly Hunger Walk Saturday, April 14, some of us can walk with the Philadelphia Rotaract Club team (which would mean donating at least $15 per person) and some of us can volunteer passing out water or at other tasks during the walk (which is free). E-mail pfont1 soon saying if you want to walk (and donate) or just volunteer.

-For those of you involved in other Student Groups, tell them that they can (and should) have a booth at the Swarthmore Fun Fair, Sunday, April 22, from 1 to 6 PM. Tell them to to register at http://swarthmore.web.aplus.net/students.htm and e-mail jkoellh1 (Jayne Koellhoffer '07) with questions. We're also trying to get as many student groups as possible to decorate windows in the ville (the theme is "adventurers" - Pirates of the Carribbean, etc).

-Finally, check your e-mail inboxes for a power point presentation attachment from our twin club in Mongolia. We looked at it at the meeting tonight and it is unbelievably cute.

See you Saturday! (or next Tuesday)


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