Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Notes for meeting 10/3/06

-Starting next week, we will be meeting at 7:30 PM on Tuesdays in Parrish Parlors again. This time is permanent. Yes, permanent. We are really sorry to people who can't make it at 7:30, but that time seems to work better for more people. Remember, it's completely fine if you can't come to meetings! What's important is the service projects we do, and you can be completely involved proposing, signing up for, and planning service projects through the listserv and the blog.

-This Saturday (10/7), two things are happening:

1. Rotaract Conference. We will meet at the Swarthmore Train station at 8:20 AM and will be back by 6 PM unless people want to eat dinner in Philly. The conference will consist of meeting with other local Rotaract clubs, exchanging plans and ideas about service projects, and listening to guest speakers from Philadelphia Cares and all of the international projects that Rotary does. So far, we have 5-6 people who want to go, but we can take more. Please e-mail me (pfont1) soon if you want to go!

2. Habitat for Humanity. The five people going are Lin, Rachel Adler, Lynn Conell-Price, Eric Kim, and Helen Hougen. Unfortunately, Habitat can't take more than 5 people from us on a given day. You 5 guys will meet at Parrish Circle at 8 AM and Jayne will drive you to the Habitat site. You should be back by 1 PM. Please wear closed-toed shoes, tie your hair back if it is long, and clothes that you can imagine yourself helping to build a house in. E-mail Lin (lgyi1) with any questions.

-On October 14 the Crum-Chester-Ridley Watershed association will be planting lots of trees at East Lake Park in Ridley Park from 9 to 11 AM. That is right after classes get out for fall break. If you will be nearby around then and want to help, please e-mail me (pfont1) soon!

-2 People have expressed interest in doing Habitat on Oct. 21., which is the last Saturday before fall break ends. If you are one of these two people or if you will be here then and want to go, please e-mail me (pfont1) soon!

-There will be another Habitat day Oct. 28 (the first Saturday after we get back from fall break). Currently, I have Jim P, Ayanna J, and Soraya L signed up, and Fletcher W said he might be able to go. If these 4 people all go, we can take one more if I don't go. Tell us if you want to go, or if you are signed up and can't go.

-We will meet one morning (not super early) Nov. 4, 5, 11, or 12 (all Saturdays and Sundays) to bake food on campus and then bring it to give to Ronald McDonald House in Philly. You can contact Lin (lgyi1) with questions or suggestions.

-We will go to Friends Hospital in Philly to do Gardening with Friends on Sat, Nov. 18. We might leave around 9 and be back around 3. Please e-mail us if you're interested!

That's it! Many apologies for taking so long to finalize the meeting time. See you next Tuesday at 7:30!


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