Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday Sept 10th, 2006

Thank you Nancy, Yimei, Ben and Michelle! We had a lot of fun!

Next meeting Tuesday 7:30 PM Parrish East Parlor

Take care, Lin and Pierre


Anonymous said...

Lin & Pierre:
I am the district Rotarian chairperson for Rotaract. We want to get information to the Swarthmore Rotaractors about the upcoming, Saturday, October 7 Rotaract conference for all the 8 Rotaract clubs in the district. To whom can I e-mail the 3 documents describing the day? It's going to be a GREAT Event. We're bringing speakers in from outside the district to help our clubs. We want Swarthmore Rotaractors to be there!! Perri Evanson also has the information and will be talking to your club about it. Look forward to meeting you all!
Jane Williams

Anonymous said...

Lin & Pierre:
Jane Williams again. I forgot to give you my contact info:
Phone: (610) 527-2110 (day)
Phone: (610) 642-8853 (eve.)

P.S. Your website looks great!