Monday, September 18, 2006

So--inspite of all the messages we sent you, we're having our next meeting TOMORROW, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH at 7:30 PM in Parrish East Parlor.

As for the 9:40 PM time--I think the best way to figure out which time is better is to try both at some point. More on that later...

If the TAB project flyers are starting to fill up, try to bring JUST THE TABS to the meeting. (Leave the collection envelope where it is). I have a few collection bins that we can fill up to take to the Ronald McDonald House.

Start thinking about your schedules in October--especially fall break. Just to give everyone an idea, here's the list:

Saturday October 7th -- Habitat for Humanity AND the Rotaract Conference
---Fall Break starts----
Saturday October 14th -- Planting trees at Little Crum Creek (CRC Watershed)
Saturday October 21st -- Habitat for Humanity AND Greater Philadelphia Cares Day
---Fall Break ends----
Saturday October 28th -- Habitat for Humanity

Remember: Anyone can go to the Rotaract Conference, BUT we can only take 5 people at a time for Habitat. If more than 5 people sign up, we can go in 2 shifts. We'll have a sign-up tomorrow since we should let the Habitat people know in advance.

Also--don't forget to e-mail if you are interested in Fall for your Park (Sat. September 30th).
Also, also--Does anyone live in Mertz, New Dorm or Danawell? I think we still need some TAB Project flyers in those buildings.

Take care!

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